What does a UX-designer do?

A UX designer works to create a positive user experience by focusing on user needs, goals and desires. They use a variety of methods to create and evaluate design solutions to make sure they are user-friendly, effective and satisfying for the user.

A UX designer is usually responsible for researching, planning, designing and evaluating user interfaces and user experiences for digital products, such as apps and websites. They may use tools such as user testing, interviews, user surveys and prototyping to gain insight into users’ needs and wants.


Based on the information gathered, UX designers develop the user interface and experience by creating wireframes, sketches and interactive prototypes. They also often work with developers and other team members to ensure that the product or service is technically feasible and that the design is consistent with the brand and company goals.


In an era of digital transformation, good UX design is increasingly important to ensure a successful digital presence. Therefore, it is common for UX designers to work in tech companies, e-commerce, modern product companies, digital service companies and companies that are going digital. By hiring an experienced UX designer, these companies can create a high-quality user experience that can improve customer satisfaction, increase sales and create long-term customer relationships.

UX designers work with a variety of skills and collaborate with multiple teams and departments within an organization to create a great user experience. Here are some examples:


User research and user testing
A UX designer should have a good understanding of how to conduct user research and user testing to collect user data and feedback. This may include creating surveys, conducting interviews or conducting focus groups. They may also need to be able to interpret and analyze data to gain valuable insights.


User-centered design
A UX designer needs to have a deep understanding of user-centered design, which means putting users at the center of all design. This means focusing on user needs and goals and creating design solutions that are simple, effective and satisfying for users.


Prototypes and design tools
UX designers often use prototypes and design tools to create and test different design options. They may need to be adept at using tools such as Sketch, Figma or Adobe XD to create interactive prototypes and visual design solutions.


Collaboration and communication
A UX designer often collaborates with other team members, such as developers, product managers and marketers. They need to have strong communication and collaboration skills to ensure that all team members understand the design decisions and can work together to achieve common goals.


Business understanding
UX designers need a business understanding to understand the organization’s goals and how the user experience can help achieve those goals. They also need an understanding of marketing, brand strategy and user behavior.


In addition to working with these skills, UX designers often collaborate with other teams and departments within the organization, such as development teams, product managers, marketers, and support teams. They may also collaborate with external consultants, agencies and other specialists for support and complementary skills when needed. By collaborating and working together with these different teams, UX designers can ensure that the user experience is consistent and effective at all levels of the organization.

E-commerce companies
E-commerce companies typically have a large online presence and depend on a positive user experience to attract and retain customers. A UX designer can help create a smooth and intuitive user experience for their e-commerce platform, including search functions, product categorization, shopping cart and checkout process.


Modern product companies
Modern product companies that focus on technology, SaaS or cloud services often rely on a positive user experience to maximize product usability and customer satisfaction. UX designers can help create a simple and effective user experience for their products and services.


Digital service companies
Digital service companies that focus on web or mobile application development can use UX designers to help create a smooth and user-friendly user experience for their customers.


Tech companies
Tech companies that focus on developing technical platforms, software or hardware also need a positive user experience to improve product usability and customer satisfaction. UX designers can help create a simple and effective user experience for their tech products.


Companies going digital
Companies digitizing their products or services need a positive user experience to make their online presence more engaging and user-friendly. A UX designer can help create a modern and smooth user experience for their digital presence.


Companies undergoing digital transformation
As with UI designers, UX designers can also be used by companies undergoing digital transformation. By using a UX designer, companies can create a modern and user-friendly user experience for their digital products and services, which is crucial for attracting and retaining customers in the digital market. A well-designed user experience can help companies undergoing digital transformation to improve the customer experience and strengthen their digital presence in the market.

Need to find a UX designer?

We at Trib can help you find exactly the profile you need. We have many years of experience and a well-developed network of the best talents and abilities in design.

  • Flexible recruitment adapted to your needs
  • Get access to the best network of talent
  • A single role or a whole team – permanent recruitment, freelance consultants or staffing services
  • Support and advice throughout the process

Roles we have done in design

Product Designer



Product Designer



Founding Product Designer



Product Designers



Product Designer



Senior Product Designer

Market Leading Platform


Content / Graphic Designer



Android Designer

Outdoors Enthusiast App


UX Designer

Fintech company


Product Designer

Handelsbanken [Malmö]


Product Designer



Lead Product Designer



Product Designer

Madden Analytics


Senior Product Designer



UX Designer



Product Designer

Kodiak Hub


Senior UX Designer



Product Designer

Swedbank Pay


UX Designer

EF Education First





We are Trib

A recruitment agency in Stockholm that knows UX design?

We build organizations and high-performance teams with start-ups, scale-ups, SaaS companies, e-commerce companies and traditional organizations, and that includes UX design.

Our network of talent ranges from junior to C-level talent in service, growth, marketing, tech, product development, design and UX. We have experienced UX designers who can help you create a positive user experience for your digital products and services.

Whether the need is for freelance consultants, staffing or permanent recruitment, we help you quickly reach your goals with the help of our broad expertise in UX design and other areas.

Trib is a talent agency.
Chimichurri is a sauce.

Trib logo
Design by Aron Sundberg
Development by Oh My
Typefaces by Newlyn
and Kanon Foundry
By joining Trib you will be a part of our closest network. In every new opportunity, you will be in our minds. Please give us some info below and you’re all set. And of course, you’re still welcome to contact us when you find something you like.