Same quality,
different formats

Customization is about flexibility, not price. Attentive to feedback and lessons learned, we recognize that diverse needs require varied solutions. Your needs guide us to connect you with the right talent through our network, quickly and efficiently.


Same same, but different

Our realization is clear: simplicity, clarity, and intelligence guide us today. This insight sparked a major overhaul. We’ve simplified complexity, turned our focus outward, and prioritized relevance. While we offer detailed solutions for complex challenges, the extent of exploration is yours to decide.

Trib is a talent agency.
Chimichurri is a sauce.

Trib logo
Design by Aron Sundberg
Development by Oh My
Typefaces by Newlyn
and Kanon Foundry
By joining Trib you will be a part of our closest network. In every new opportunity, you will be in our minds. Please give us some info below and you’re all set. And of course, you’re still welcome to contact us when you find something you like.